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Geriatric Nursing 40周年:庆祝过去,展望未来

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  • 2021-12-14
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First I want to thank our invited editors, Drs. Virginia Burggraf and Christine Mueller, for pulling together this special issue. Virginia Burggraf RN, DNS, FAAN, FGSA is emeriti professor at Radford University where she spent her last eighteen years as the Marcella J. Griggs Endowed Chair in Gerontological Nursing. With significant funding that she garnered through multiple grants, the University was able to increase the number of advanced practice nurses in rural Southwest Virginia. She has written three books focusing on gerontological nursing, numerous articles and is the recipient of many awards. She is credited with the development of the undergraduate gerontology program (1980) at Louisiana School of Nursing and when her career moved her to Washington DC, she served as the long-term care policy analyst and grant writer for both the America Nurses Association and the American Nurses Foundation. She was a catalyst in channeling the Omnibus Reconciliation Act. Christine Mueller, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN is the senior executive associate dean for academic programs at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing and holds the Long-term Care Professorship in Nursing. Dr. Mueller has devoted her entire career to gerontological nursing and focused her research on the quality of care in nursing homes.

Commentary by Virginia Burgraff and Christine Mueller

This anniversary edition celebrates the past 40 years of gerontological nursing by highlighting significant contributions of nurses who advanced the field of gerontological nursing, the growth and dissemination of gerontological nursing research, and the specialization of gerontological nursing. The investments made by the John A. Hartford Foundation into gerontological nursing education, research and leadership is provided in this issue and is likely to be used as an ongoing historical summary for this specialty. It is our sincere hope that this edition commemorates those individuals whose shoulders we stood upon and that it lays a foundation for others to advance the care of older adults. We applaud the editors of the journal of Geriatric Nursing over these past forty years, Cynthia Kelly, Genrose Alfano, Florence Huey, Priscilla Ebersole and Barbara Resnick.

Commentary by Barbara Resnick

It has been 40 years since the first publication of Geriatric Nursing! As a nursing student in the 70s and a new nurse in the 80s I was always focused on geriatrics and I subscribed as soon as the journal came out and remember reading it cover to cover. Those were in the days when you bought subions to journals, got them in the mail and read them and kept them! I still have all of these older journals stored on my bookshelves. We will be sharing throughout this year some of those early articles and how……we have come so far and gone nowhere!

The first issue of Geriatric Nursing was published in May of 1980 as May was noted to be Older Americans Month. The journal editor at that time was Cynthia H. Kelly, R.N. and the focus of the journal was sharing issues around aging and ways to overcome the challenges. Cynthia H. Kelly ended her first editorial with a wish for the journal that the pages…"be filled with a distillation of the knowledge and wisdom, not only of practitioners, but of the aged themselves". The first journal addressed many issues we continue to face today including a focus on care of the 5% of older adults who are living in nursing home settings, the cost of care and the challenges older adults and their families have in covering those costs, and getting rid of the myths associated with aging and celebrating the resilience of older adults the many who continue to work or remain engaged in meaningful activities and maintain a quality of life that they are content with. For example, there was a paper about the Grey Panthers and Maggie Kuhn and several other articles about positive aging, language and biases about aging and innovative approaches to optimize diet on a limited income.

The second editor of Geriatric Nursing was Genrose J. Alfano who took over this role in 1986. Hers was a strong voice promoting equal access to health care for the elderly, and she advocated strongly against any type of ageism. A few years later, Florence L. Huey, RN assumed the role of editor and celebrated the 10th anniversary of Geriatric Nursing with a focus on clinical advances and political advocacy. In 1991 Priscilla Ebersole, PhD, FAAN took over as the managing editor of Geriatric Nursing and held that position till she retired in 2005 at which time I became the editor. Following these leaders in geriatric nursing I believe I can claim that I am the longest lasting editor!

The first gerontological nursing textbook was published in 1950 (Newton Shafer, Kathleen (1950). Geriatric Nursing. St. Louis: Mosby). Since then there has been expansion of texts focused on nursing care of the older adult, advanced practice nursing care of older adults as well as many relevant interdisciplinary clinical texts focused on geriatrics. There are also several other geriatric nursing focused journals such as the Journal of Gerontological Nursing which was first published in 1975 and Research in Gerontological Nursing published first in 2008. All of these journals provide a wonderful way to disseminate new and innovative approaches to care of older adults through research, practice and quality improvement approaches.

Looking back over our 40 years as a journal, what have we learned and what have we done in geriatric nursing? Impacting change in care approaches is hard and is slow but we have shown through publications that restraint free care is a better way to prevent falls and injuries, improve quality of life and maintain function, we have addressed innovative approaches to pain, incontinence, delirium, transitions of care, medication management, constipation, oral care and ways to optimize function and physical activity. We have addressed international issues with authors from all over the world contributing to the journal. This global approach is useful in that we all struggle with similar clinical challenges and can learn from each other.

We are inviting you all to celebrate our 40th Anniversary with us as we reflect on the work that was been done in some particularly challenging areas of geriatrics in the 1980s and where we are with that work today. This first issue of our Anniversary year, is dedicated to a review of the history of some accomplishments in geriatric nursing. In the remaining issues for 2020 we will be posting on our webpage work done on specific topics from the 1980s and contrasting it with work published in one of the current 2020 issues. The areas we will be focusing on include: management of pain, management of medications, transitions of care, and pet therapy. In each issue we will post an article on the topic on our webpage and highlight an article(s) on the same topic in the current issue. Take the time to reflect on the two papers and I promise you will find it enlightening!

As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary I want to take this opportunity as editor to thank all of you who have submitted articles to the journal, endured in some cases multiple requests for revisions and have worked diligently to make these papers the type of paper we are proud to have published in the journal. I would likewise like to thank our editorial board and our reviewers for their dedication to the journal and spending the time and sharing their expertise to again make these articles the best they can be. I also want to acknowledge and thank the section editors and the multiple organizations that contribute to the journal with news and updates and provide their membership with access to the journal. These include the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association; the American Assisted Living Nurses Association, The Nurses Improving Care for Healthcaresystem Elders, and the American Geriatrics Society. Lastly I thank our publisher, Elsevier, and you our readership for allowing me to serve as editor of the journal for these past 15 years. My first published paper was in Geriatric Nursing and I remember my excitement on the day I got that acceptance letter. In closing, I end this editorial as Cynthia Kelly, RN ended her first editorial in Geriatric Nursing with my wish for the journal. My wish is that the pages be filled with innovative and effective approaches for how to provide the best possible care for older adults across all levels of care and that these approaches are disseminated and implemented in real world settings.


首先,我要感谢我们受邀的编辑 Drs。Virginia Burggraf 和 Christine Mueller,将这一特刊汇集在一起。Virginia Burggraf RN、DNS、FAAN、FGSA 是 Radford 大学的名誉教授,她在那里度过了她最后 18 年的 Marcella J. Griggs Endowed 老年护理学主席。凭借她通过多项赠款获得的大量资金,该大学能够增加弗吉尼亚州西南部农村高级执业护士的数量。她撰写了三本关于老年护理的书籍,发表了大量文章,并获得了许多奖项。她因在路易斯安那州护理学院开设本科老年学课程(1980 年)而受到赞誉,当她的职业生涯将她转移到华盛顿特区时,她曾担任美国护士协会和美国护士基金会的长期护理政策分析师和资助作家。她是推动综合和解法案的催化剂。Christine Mueller 博士、注册护士、FGSA、FAAN 是明尼苏达大学护理学院学术项目的高级执行副院长,并拥有护理学长期护理教授职位。穆勒博士的整个职业生涯都致力于老年护理,并将研究重点放在养老院的护理质量上。

本周年纪念版通过强调在老年护理领域、老年护理研究的发展和传播以及老年护理专业化方面做出的重大贡献来庆祝老年护理的过去 40 年。本期提供了 John A. Hartford 基金会对老年护理教育、研究和领导力的投资,并可能用作该专业的持续历史总结。我们真诚地希望这个版本能够纪念那些我们曾经站在他们肩膀上的人,并为其他人推进老年人护理工作奠定基础。我们为《老年护理学》杂志的编辑们鼓掌 在过去的四十年里,辛西娅·凯利、根罗斯·阿尔法诺、弗洛伦斯·休伊、普莉希拉·埃伯索尔和芭芭拉·雷斯尼克。


自《老年护理》首次出版至今已有40年!作为 70 年代的一名护理学生和 80 年代的新护士,我一直专注于老年病学,杂志一出版我就订阅了,记得从头到尾读过。那时你购买期刊订阅,通过邮件收到并阅读并保留它们!我的书架上仍然存放着所有这些旧期刊。我们将在今年全年分享一些早期的文章以及如何……我们已经走了这么远却一无所获!

第一期老年护理于 1980 年 5 月出版,因为五月被称为美国老年人月。当时的期刊编辑是注册护士 Cynthia H. Kelly,该期刊的重点是分享有关衰老的问题以及克服挑战的方法。辛西娅·H·凯利 (Cynthia H. Kelly) 在她的第一篇社论结束时希望该杂志的页面……“充满知识和智慧的升华,不仅是从业者,而且是老年人自己”。第一本期刊解决了我们今天继续面临的许多问题,包括关注 5% 住在疗养院的老年人的护理、护理成本以及老年人及其家人在支付这些费用方面面临的挑战,摆脱与衰老相关的神话,庆祝老年人的复原力,让许多人继续工作或继续从事有意义的活动并保持他们满意的生活质量。例如,有一篇关于 Grey Panthers 和 Maggie Kuhn 的论文以及其他几篇关于积极老龄化、关于老龄化的语言和偏见以及在有限收入下优化饮食的创新方法的文章。

Geriatric Nursing 的第二任编辑是 Genrose J. Alfano,她于 1986 年接任该职位。她是推动老年人平等获得医疗保健的强烈声音,她强烈主张反对任何类型的年龄歧视。几年后,注册护士 Florence L. Huey 担任编辑并庆祝老年护理成立 10 周年,重点关注临床进展和政治宣传。1991 年,FAAN 的 Priscilla Ebersole 博士接任 Geriatric Nursing 的执行主编并担任该职位,直到她于 2005 年退休,当时我成为了主编。跟随这些老年护理领导者,我相信我可以说我是最持久的编辑!

第一本老年护理教科书于 1950 年出版(Newton Shafer, Kathleen (1950). Geriatric Nursing . St. Louis: Mosby)。从那时起,专注于老年人护理的教材、老年人高级实践护理以及许多相关的跨学科临床教材一直在扩展。还有其他一些以老年护理为重点的期刊,例如 1975 年首次出版的老年护理杂志和 2008 年首次出版的老年护理研究。成人通过研究、实践和质量改进方法。

回顾我们作为期刊的 40 年,我们在老年护理方面学到了什么,做了什么?影响护理方法的改变是困难和缓慢的,但我们通过出版物表明,无约束护理是预防跌倒和伤害、提高生活质量和维持功能的更好方法,我们已经提出了治疗疼痛、尿失禁、谵妄的创新方法,护理过渡、药物管理、便秘、口腔护理以及优化功能和身体活动的方法。我们与来自世界各地为该期刊做出贡献的作者一起解决了国际问题。这种全局方法很有用,因为我们都在应对类似的临床挑战,并且可以相互学习。

我们邀请大家与我们一起庆祝我们的 40 周年纪念日,因为我们回顾了 1980 年代在一些特别具有挑战性的老年病学领域所做的工作以及我们今天的工作。这是我们周年纪念年的第一期,专门回顾老年护理方面的一些成就的历史。在 2020 年的剩余问题中,我们将在我们的网页上发布 1980 年代针对特定主题所做的工作,并将其与当前 2020 年问题之一中发表的工作进行对比。我们将关注的领域包括:疼痛管理、药物管理、护理过渡和宠物治疗。在每一期中,我们都会在我们的网页上发布一篇关于该主题的文章,并在当前一期中突出显示一篇关于同一主题的文章。

在我们庆祝成立 40 周年之际,作为编辑,我想借此机会感谢所有向该期刊提交文章、在某些情况下忍受多次修改请求并努力使这些论文成为我们引以为豪的论文类型的人已经在杂志上发表了。我还要感谢我们的编辑委员会和我们的审稿人,感谢他们对期刊的奉献,并花费时间和分享他们的专业知识,再次使这些文章成为最好的。我还要感谢并感谢部分编辑和多个组织为该杂志提供新闻和更新,并为他们的会员提供访问该杂志的权限。其中包括老年学高级实践护士协会;美国辅助生活护士协会,护士改善医疗保健系统长者的护理和美国老年病学协会。最后,我感谢我们的出版商 Elsevier 和我们的读者,感谢你们允许我在过去 15 年中担任该杂志的编辑。我发表的第一篇论文是在老年护理领域,我记得收到录取通知书那天我的兴奋。最后,我以 Cynthia Kelly 的身份结束这篇社论,RN 结束了她在老年护理领域的第一篇社论,我希望这本杂志。我的愿望是这些页面充满了创新和有效的方法,以说明如何在所有级别的护理中为老年人提供最好的护理,并且这些方法在现实世界中得到传播和实施。我们的读者群让我在过去的 15 年里一直担任该杂志的编辑。我发表的第一篇论文是在老年护理领域,我记得收到录取通知书那天我的兴奋。最后,我以 Cynthia Kelly 的身份结束这篇社论,RN 结束了她在老年护理领域的第一篇社论,我希望这本杂志。我的愿望是这些页面充满了创新和有效的方法,以说明如何在所有级别的护理中为老年人提供最好的护理,并且这些方法在现实世界中得到传播和实施。我们的读者群让我在过去的 15 年里一直担任该杂志的编辑。我发表的第一篇论文是在老年护理领域,我记得收到录取通知书那天我的兴奋。最后,我以 Cynthia Kelly 的身份结束这篇社论,RN 结束了她在老年护理领域的第一篇社论,我希望这本杂志。我的愿望是这些页面充满了创新和有效的方法,以说明如何在所有级别的护理中为老年人提供最好的护理,并且这些方法在现实世界中得到传播和实施。RN 以我对期刊的希望结束了她在老年护理学的第一篇社论。我的愿望是这些页面充满了创新和有效的方法,以说明如何在所有级别的护理中为老年人提供最好的护理,并且这些方法在现实世界中得到传播和实施。RN 以我对期刊的希望结束了她在老年护理学的第一篇社论。我的愿望是这些页面充满了创新和有效的方法,以说明如何在所有级别的护理中为老年人提供最好的护理,并且这些方法在现实世界中得到传播和实施。






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