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an 只剩寒风吹拂着你的脸


Send Me An Angel 歌词(中英文对照)The wise man said just walk this way,To the dawn of the light( 智者对我说只要坚持着你的信念,最终能见到破晓的曙光。

)The wind will blow into your face,as the years pass you by(时光匆匆离你而去,只剩寒风吹拂着你的脸。

)Hear this voice from deep inside (你能听见这种来自内心最深处的声音)It's the call of your heart.(它是内心的一种呼唤)Close your eyes and your will find ,the passage out of the dark.(闭上你的眼睛你会找到走出黑暗的路)Here I am,will you send me an angle.(我在这里等待,等待请天使的到来)Here I am,In the land of the moring star.(我在这里等待,在一个晨星的岛上)The wise man said just find your place,In the eye of the storm.(智者对我说在风暴中只要张开你的双眼,就能找到你的一席之地)Seek the roses along the way,just beware of the thorns.(在寻觅美好的`生活的道路上,小心带刺的玫瑰)Here I am,will you send me an angle.(我在这里等待,等待请天使的到来)Here I am,In the land of the moring star.(我在这里等待,在一个晨星的岛上)The wise man said just rais your hand,And reach out for the spell.(智者对我说伸出你的双手就能获得你想要的魔法)Find the door to the promised land,just believe in yourself(只要相信你自己,就能到达天国之门)Hear this voice from deep inside,(听,只是来自灵魂深处的声音)It's the call of your heart(这是你内心的呼唤)Close your eyes and you will find The way out of the dark(闭上你的眼睛就能发现走出黑暗的路)Here I am,will you send me an angle.(我在这里等待,等待请天使的到来)Here I am,In the land of the moring star.(我在这里等待,在一个晨星的岛上)Here I am,will you send me an angle.(我在这里等待,等待请天使的到来)Here I am,In the land of the moring star.(我在这里等待,在一个晨星的岛上)
