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上映英文 还设有电影上映厅



: each of the theaters has different movies. 昨天晚上我去看了那部新上映的电影,但它很差劲,我不喜欢。

: i went to see that new film last night but it was no great shakes and i don't recommend it. 图书馆里有为孩子们讲故事的地方;现在的图书馆里,还设有电影上映厅。

还有什么别的吗? we would go and they have story telling for children with children's books;an曹允2015-08-03 05:11:03“上映” 用 be on show 表达 例如: The new movie will be on show throughout the nation next week. 那部新电影将在下周全国上映。

顾越洲2015-08-05 02:31:52put on performances或be on on show 是展览 on the air 是通过无线电 on screen我不敢肯定,大概可以吧唐运虹2015-08-07 04:19:35play on the screen张铧文2015-08-06 18:09:54The movie is playing here the movie came out the film was released(这个是最好的) there film are showing presentation
