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新年快乐英文歌曲 西班牙语所属专辑


No more champagne香槟已见底And the fireworks are through焰火已消逝Here we are, me and you只有我俩,我和你Feeling lost and feeling blue感到失落与忧伤It's the end of the party舞会已经结束And the morning seems so grey清晨看来如此灰暗So unlike yesterday一点也不像昨日Now's the time for us to say...时候到了让我们一起说Happy new year新年快乐Happy new year新年快乐May we all have a vision now and then愿我们现在和过去的梦幻成真Of a world where every neighbour is a friend整个世界从此四海一家Happy new year新年快乐Happy new year新年快乐May we all have our hopes, our will to try愿我们都拥有希望和意志去努力If we don't we might as well lay down and die如果不能,我们不如坐以待毙You and I我和你Sometimes I see有时候我仿佛看见How the brave new world arrives美丽新世界的来临And I see how it thrives看着它蓬勃壮大In the ashes of our lives在我们灰烬般的人生中Oh yes, man is a fool是啊,人们真傻And he thinks he'll be okay总认为自己安然无恙Dragging on, feet of clay拖着沉重的步履Never knowing he's astray从不明白他已迷失Keeps on going anyway...漫无目的,四处游走……Happy new year新年快乐Happy new year新年快乐May we all have a vision now and then愿我们现在和过去的梦幻成真Of a world where every neighbour is a friend整个世界从此四海一家Happy new year新年快乐Happy new year新年快乐May we all have our hopes, our will to try愿我们都拥有希望和意志去努力If we don't we might as well lay down and die如果不能,我们不如坐以待毙You and I我和你Seems to me now现在对我来说That the dreams we had before从前拥有的梦想Are all dead, nothing more都已经逝去Than confetti on the floor像地板上的五彩碎纸It's the end of a decade十年即将结束In another ten years time在下一个十年Who can say what we'll find谁能预言What lies waiting down the line在远方等待我们的会是什么In the end of eighty-nine...当1989年结束的时候……Happy new year新年快乐Happy new year新年快乐May we all have a vision now and then愿我们现在和过去的梦幻成真Of a world where every neighbour is a friend整个世界从此四海一家Happy new year新年快乐Happy new year新年快乐May we all have our hopes, our will to try愿我们都拥有希望和意志去努力If we don't we might as well lay down and die如果不能,我们不如坐以待毙You and I我和你扩展资料《Happy New Year》是一首跟新年有关的英语歌曲《Happy New Year》中文名称:新年快乐填词:Benny Andersson,Bjorn Ulvaeus谱曲:Benny Andersson,Bjorn Ulvaeus音乐风格:Europop,Pop歌曲语言:英语,西班牙语所属专辑:Super Trouper发行时间:1980年歌曲原唱:ABBA阅读原文
