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so easy 的意思是:如此轻而易举。

so easy读音:英 [s?? ?i:zi] 美 [so? ?izi]反义词:difficult,困难的。

例句:He had a reputation for being bloody-minded and difficult.释义:他为人刻薄、难相处是出了名的。


例句:The letter was short — a simple recitation of their problem.释义:信写得很短——只是简单地说了一下他们的问题。

例句:1."Nothing so easy, if you have but the inclination ," said Elizabeth.释义:“要是你存心罚他,那是再容易不过的事,”伊丽莎白说。

2.In international affairs,it isnot always so easy to interpret the remarks or behaviors of anothercountry.释义:在国际事务中,要理解另一个国家的言论或行为的含义,并不总是那么容易。

3.The lightness of infant life can skip aside fromthe greatest of calamities, but witage evasion isnot so easy, and the shock of that day I had to take full on my breast.释义:童年生活的无忧无虑,让人能从最大的不幸中跳将出来,但随着年龄的增大,要逃避不幸却不那么容易,我的心只有完全承受那一天的打击。

4.It's so easy to lose track of who's playing who and when.释义:很容易就忘记谁要和谁比赛,什么时候比。

5.It's so easy to feel sorry for oneself.释义:人很容易为自己感到委屈。

6.The boned fish is so easy to serve.释义:剔了刺的鱼很容易烹制。

7.People expect others to be honest, which is why conmen find it so easy to hoodwink people.释义:人们认为别人是诚实正直的,所以骗子很容易行骗得逞。

8.Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it's so easyto match them up with your own.释义:假睫毛有各种不同的长度和颜色,所以很容易与你自己的睫毛配上。

9.If they went around complaining publicly, they might not find it so easy to get another job.释义:如果他们总是当众发牢骚,再找别的工作可就没那么容易了。

10.If you go on like this, I won't be so easy on you.释义:你再如此, 我就要不客气了.
