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young 的看法应该是不一样的


young money年轻金钱唱片公司;亚玛尼;这就是阔少娱乐例句1.For the most part we like the clean look of the young money site but would like to add flash to it resembling the drum squad site.在大多数情况下我们一样年轻的钱现场清洁的外观,但想补充闪光它类似的鼓队网站。

2.The examination-oriented education by countless young minds, money-oriented society and plunder the children innocent mind, then what?应试教育摧残着无数少年们的智慧,金钱至上的社会风气又掠夺着孩童们天真无邪的心灵,那么未来究竟是什么呢?3.The young man grabbed money and would not give it back to me.这个年轻人抢走了我的钱,不肯还给我。

4.We have set apart a special sum of money to help young people become professional singers.我们拨出一笔专款用来培养青年成为职业歌唱家。

5.Before you answer, remember, A grown man with children is in a very different position Than a young man. The money could be useful now.记住,回答我之前,一个有家室的男人跟一个年轻男孩,的看法应该是不一样的。

