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hen怎么读 hens例句


hen[英][hen][美][h?n]n.母鸡; 雌禽; 女人;复数:hens例句:1.He found that the fertilised egg had developed within the hen's reproductive他发现受精卵是在母鸡的生殖系统内形成的,2.A free-range hen scratching around might lay one or two eggs a week.自由放养的母鸡跑来跑去,每周下一个或两个鸡蛋。

3.But the little red hen lived happily ever after, in her own little farmhouse.而小红母鸡从此在自己的小农家过上了幸福的生活。

4.In actuality, color is simply an indication of the breed of hen.事实上,鸡蛋颜色的区别仅仅表明母鸡的品种不同。

5.I go on working for the same reason that a hen goes on laying eggs.我坚持工作的理由很简单,和母鸡下蛋一样。
