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International smile国际招牌微笑Fire was in her hair, she don't care她当做没看见正在她秀发之中燃烧的火焰Peach pink lips, yeah, everybody stares桃粉色的嘴唇激情欲动,所有的目光都凝视着她You think you've seen her in a magazine你认为你好像曾经在某个杂志中看到过她It's like she walked right out of your dreams就像她正走出你的梦Black ray-bans, you know she's with the band她带着黑色墨镜,你知道她是搞乐队的Passport stamps, she's cosmopolitan通行的印章盖在护照之上,你知道她属于这个世界Yeah, she runs a place at Penny lane没错,她如今又要前往利物浦的一个名叫便士街道的地方Yeah you lucky if you're on her plane如果你凑巧和她搭乘同一班飞机那可真是你的福气From Tokyo, to Mexico, to Rio从东京到墨西哥,再到里约That girl’s a trip, a one way ticket这是专属于女孩的心之旅程,没有返程的机票Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile带你到几英里高的地方,那里高耸入云,因此她拥有了那国际招牌微笑Catch her if you can如果你可以的话,就抓住她Yeah, she's so in demand哈哈,她是如此需要帮助Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile带你到几英里高的地方,那里高耸入云,因此她拥有了那国际招牌微笑She's got that, je ne sais quoi, you know it她拥有最美的微笑,那简直妙不可言,你心里清楚So tres chick, yeah, she's a classic她很胆小、害羞,哈哈她是个传统的女人But she's pole dancing so fancy free但是当她跳舞的时候她特别想放开,想纵情摇摆Yeah, she dances to a O.B是的,她跳着自己的节拍'Cause she's the muse and the artist因为她就是那女神,她是大艺术家!Always leaves a jealous stardust就连星尘都嫉妒她'Cause she's a little bit a yolo, and she's a little bit a _"oh no"因为她想做什么就做什么,她觉得自己只会活一次,为何不自由,她还有点令人不敢置信From LA, Miami, to New York City从洛杉矶到迈阿密,再到纽约That girl’s a trip, a one way ticket这是专属于女孩的心之旅程,没有返程的机票Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile带你到几英里高的地方,那里高耸入云,因此她拥有了那国际招牌微笑Catch her if you can如果你可以的话,就抓住她Yeah, she's so in demand哈哈,她是如此需要帮助Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile带你到几英里高的地方,那里高耸入云,因此她拥有了那国际招牌微笑Please fasten your seatbelts, and make sure your champagne glasses are empty请扣好您的安全带,请确保您的香槟杯是空的We are now approaching the runway, so get ready for take off我们正接近着跑道,所以马上准备起飞了That girl’s a trip, a one way ticket这是专属于女孩的心之旅程,没有返程的机票Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile带你到几英里高的地方,那里高耸入云,因此她拥有了那国际招牌微笑Catch her if you can如果你可以的话,就抓住她Yeah, she's so in demand哈哈,她是如此需要帮助Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile带你到几英里高的地方,那里高耸入云,因此她拥有了那国际招牌微笑贾文昂2021-04-17 12:43:20International Smile演唱:Katy PerryFire was in her hair, she don't carePeach pink lips, yeah, everybody staresYou think you've seen her in a magazineIt's like she walked right out of your dreamsBlack ray-bans, you know she's with the bandPassport stamps, she's cosmopolitanYeah, she runs a place at Penny laneYeah you lucky if you're on her planeFrom Tokyo, to Mexico, to RioThat girl’s a trip, a one way ticketTakes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smileCatch her if you canYeah, she's so in demandTakes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile国际微笑演唱:凯蒂派瑞火在她的头发,她不在乎桃红色的嘴唇,是的,每个人都盯着你认为你在杂志上看到她就像是她走你的梦想黑色的射线禁令,你知道她与乐队护照,她的世界是的,她跑在小巷的地方你的幸运如果你对她的飞机从东京,墨西哥,里约热内卢那女孩的旅行方式,一一票把你英里高,那么高,因为她有一个国际的微笑如果你能抓住她是的,她是如此的需求把你英里高,那么高,因为她有一个国际的微笑
