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andsoforth applejuice


and soon英 [ ?nd su:n ]美 [ ?nd sun]俄而;1.The couple met about two years ago and soon became firm friends.这对夫妇大约两年前相遇,很快就成了知交。

2.He had a poor sense of direction and soon got lost.他方向感很差,一会儿就迷路了。

3.The sky blackened and soon it began to rain.天空乌云密布,很快便下起雨来.and so forth英 [ ?nd s?? f?:θ ]美[ ?nd so? f?rθ ]等等;诸如此类;什么的;依此类推;1.The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth.病人可以食用苹果、苹果汁、苹果酱等。

2.The water rate is the payment in Britain for water when it is supplied to houses and factories and so forth.在英国,水税是指住家、工厂等得到水的供应时所交纳的款项.3.He has done many jobs: typist salesman, deliverer and so forth.他做过很多种工作,打字员、推销员 、 投递员,等等.黄艺2021-03-28 and so on的意思是:等等;诸如此类and so forth等等;如此;诸如此类两者在美国英语、英国英语当中都有应用。

and so on相对于是比较口语的用法。


梁立夫2021-03-29 21:20:49and so on =and so forthand so on 和and so forth完全相等,没有区别,都是“等等”的意思。

如:In our hometown, people grow wheat, rice ,cotton, and so on 。

= In our hometown, people grow wheat, rice ,cotton, and so forth。
