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不确定英文 Determine


日常生活中,我们有的时候会遇见一些让人不确定的事情,你知道吗?下面是小编为你整理的不确定的英文,希望大家喜欢!不确定的英文1.indeterminacy2.indetermination3.uncertainty4.unsureness5.intangibility关于不确定的英文短语不太确定 Not So Sure ; Determine ; wonder zone不很确定 Sound我不太确定 I am not sure ; Im not quite sure ; Im not so sure ; I am not so sure我还不感确定 I am not sure yet不太确定是否要告诉 Not sure whether to tell不确定的 uncertain ; indefinite ; [数] indeterminate ; inconclusive不确定原理 uncertainty principle ; Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ; indeterminate principle ; principle of uncertainty扩展不确定度 expanded uncertainty ; Expansive uncertainty ; Expanded-standard uncertainty ; extensible uncertaintyindeterminacy造句1. The indeterminacy in glosseme level comprises ambiguity, vagueness, fuzziness and generality.义位的不确定性包括歧义 、 含混 、 模糊和笼统.2. Its narration is characterized by indeterminacy and fragmentation, combining with immanence.小说的叙述特点有不确定性和片断化, 并与内在性相联系.3. Vague text refers to the text with semantic indeterminacy.摘要模糊语篇是指语义不确定或模糊不清的语篇.4. With its semantic indeterminacy, fuzzy language is often pragmatically justified and thus enjoys popularity in communication.模糊语言尽管带有语义不确定的特点, 其使用是有语用根据的,因而在交际中得到了广泛认可.5. The essence of security portfolio risk is the indeterminacy of the security value movement.证券投资风险的实质是证券资产价值运动的不确定性.6. Furthermore we investigate the resource allocation and price dynamics, and presents economic implication of the indeterminacy.本文进一步分析不确定性条件下经济的资源配置和价格动态, 提供增长不确定性产生的经济解释.7. Because of the indeterminacy of traffic flow , there exists certain risk for vehicle navigation.由于交通流的不确定性,行车诱导具有一定的风险.
