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关于ed和ing 所以用ing形式


with all kinds of clothing hang up你问的结构叫介词独立结构,其中的名词代词看作这个动词ing/ed 形式的逻辑主语。



或已经完成的状态;with his hands tied behind his back.(手被捆),tie 及物动词。


如果 是不及物 动词,通常ing ,表主动或进行。

with all kinds of clothing hang up, hang 这里是不及物动词, 后边up . 所以用ing形式。

再如:With so many people speaking English, it is becoming more and more important.(many people--- speaking 主动)With all the work done, they went out to have a rest.(work ---- done 被做)With his eyes glaring at the ceiling, he was thinking of his past . glare at 不及物动词, 后有at , 主动, ing With both his eyes closed, he seemed to be very sleepy. close 及物动词, ed 表被动和完成的状态 。

尹寻菱2020-10-18 06:45:15ed表被动,指被…弄得怎怎样ing表主动,表事物本身性质,指“令人……的”邝毓莹2020-10-20 04:06:04hang本身就有被动意思,故不用过去分词而用现在分词。

连瑞玲2020-10-22 05:53:47hung g, hangs .(及物动词)To fasten from above with no support from below; suspend.悬吊:固定在上面,下面没有支撑;使悬浮To suspend or fasten so as to allow free movement at or about the point of suspension:悬吊,系紧:悬吊或固定使其在、或大约在悬吊点上自由运动:hang a door.吊着一个门过去时态与过去分词 hangedTo execute by suspending by the neck:绞死:在脖颈处悬吊将人处死:They hanged the prisoner at dawn.拂晓时分他们绞死了犯人
