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不好意思的英文 我希望你原谅我这样做


excuse me英 [iks?kju:z mi:] 美 [?k?skjuz mi]int.对不起;恕,不好意思。

1、I hope you will excuse me.尚希见谅。

2、Excuse me. Could you give me a light?劳驾,借火使使。

3、I sincerely hope you'll excuse me.; I hope you would excuse me.务希见谅。

扩展资料:其他说法pardon me原谅我,对不起1、Pardon me for interrupting you.对不起,打搅你了。

2、I hope you will pardon me for doing so.我希望你原谅我这样做。

3、Pardon me, are you finished, madam?对不起,您用完餐了吗,夫人?刘媛媛2021-03-18 00:49:54不好意思的英文:feel embarrassed、be ill at ease、find it embarrassing (to do sth)、be ashamed to、backward、apologetically。

一、feel embarrassedShe feel embarrassed.她因不好意思而脸红。

二、be ashamed to1、I am ashamed to wear it.我不好意思佩带它。

2、I would be ashamed to beg from my neighbours.我不好意思向我邻居乞讨。

三、backwardFrank was so backward that he hesitated to ask her to dance.法兰克非常腼腆,不好意思请她跳舞。

四、apologeticallyHe draws his chair back apologetically.他不好意思地把椅子挪后一点儿。

五、be ill at easeMost of the famale students in my class appear to be ill at ease when required to answerquestion.我们班里大多数女生在呗要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。

蒋琴2021-03-19 22:10:43不好意思用英语怎么说?老司机教你几个英文的说法,英语口语会话李书恒2021-03-21 23:58:26“不好意思”用英文可以使用“embarrassed”、“Sorry”、“be shy of”、“ be ill at ease”。


When Xiao Wu was praised, he was embarrassed, much to our surprise2、我不好意思抛头露面。

I should be ashamed to show my face in public.扩展资料:“不好意思 ”英文翻译的应用:1、感到不好意思:Be Shy ; be bashful ; Feel embarrassed.2、实在不好意思:not really embarrassed ; It is really too embarrassed ; Really sorry.3、真的不好意思:Really sorry ; I am sorry ; sorry ; I am sorry you laughed.参考资料:周小飏2021-03-21 13:48:45感到不好意思 be shy ; be bashful ; Feelembarrassed不好意思啦 Sorry friends ; I am sorry ;I'm sorry不好意思打扰啦 Sorry to bother you ; I'msorry won't disturb ; Sorry disturb friends实在不好意思 not really embarrassed ;It is really too embarrassed ; Really sorry真的不好意思 Really sorry ; I am sorry; sorry会不好意思的 I'm sorry ; I'm sorry willbe the ; Be embarrassed我会不好意思的 I will be embarrassed ;I'll be sorry很不好意思啊 Ah very sorry ; Very sorryAh尴尬不好意思 embarrass
