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enough怎么读 充分的pron


enough 发音:英 [??n?f] 美 [??n?f]enough 释义:det.(用于复数或不可数名词前)足够的,充足的,充分的pron.足够;充分;充足adv.足够地;充分地;充足地;相当;尚;十分;很enough 例句:1、They had enough cash for a one-way ticket他们有足够的钱买单程票。

2、I met him only the once, and that was enough我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了。

3、Winter is a common enough German surname温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。

扩展资料:1、enough already(informal, especially NAmE) 行了;早已够了used to say that sth is annoying or boring and that you want it to stop2、enough is enough(saying) (认为不应再继续)够了,行了used when you think that sth should not continue any longer3、enough said无须再讲;不必多说‘He's a politician, remember.’ ‘Enough said.’“记住,他是一个政客。


”4、have had enough (of sth/sb)对…已厌烦透了;再也忍受不住;受够了I've had enough of driving the kids around.我已厌烦驾车带孩子们到处去。

5、adv.curiously, funnily, oddly, strangely, etc. enough(表示惊奇)奇怪的是,说来也奇怪Funnily enough, I said the same thing myself only yesterday.奇怪的是,就在昨天我自己也说过同样的话。

6、fair enough(informal, especially BrE) (指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行If you don't want to come, fair enough, but let Bill know.你要是不想来,可以,不过要让比尔知道。
