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moreover的用法 welladv



接下来小编在这里给大家带来moreover的用法,我们一起来看看吧!moreover的用法moreover作形容词表示再者;此外;而且;同时adv.He was,moreover,a poet of promise.adv.此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人.adv.It was,moreover,a waste of time.1.The composition is a not well written,and moreover,there are many spelling mistakes in it.这篇作文写得不好,而且,还有许多拼写错误.2.The price is too high,and moreover,the house isnt in a suitable position.房价太高,而且房屋的地点也不太合适.3.I dont like skating,moreover,the ice is too thin.我不喜欢滑冰,而且冰又太薄.4.He was,moreover,a poet of promise.此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人.5.The proposal was not well thought out; moreover,it would have been too expensive.这个建议本身就不好,而且实施起来花费也太大.同义词besides prep.除 ...之...furthermore adv.而且,此外also adv.也,而且,同样地 too adv.也,太,很likewise adv.同样地,此外,...then adv.那么,然后,...yet adv.还,已经,仍...what is more 而且此外,更有甚者as well 也,又 in addition adv.另外,此外additionally adv.另外,同时,此外 as adv.同样地,例如,...well adv.很好地,相当地...adv.此外,那是浪费时间.adv.Moreover,I will thank all the people who helped me.adv.此外,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人.adv.而且adv.I dont like skating,moreover,the ice is too thin.adv.我不喜欢滑冰,而且冰又太薄.adv.The proposal was not well thought out; moreover,it would have been too expensive.adv.这个建议本身就不好,而且实施起来花费也太大.moreover的相关解释adv. 再者;此外;而且;同时moreover的例句1. Moreover, Ramsay was no mean thinker himself.而且拉姆齐自己也是一位出色的思想家。

2. A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note.他是一位有才华的艺术家,同时也是颇有名气的作家。

3. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect.这房租合理, 而且地点优越.4. The task is difficult, and moreover, time is pressing.任务艰巨, 并且时间紧迫.5. Bicycling is a good exercise ; moreover, it is easy to learn.骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼方式, 并且还容易学.6. I dont like skating, moreover, the ice is too thin.我不喜欢滑冰, 而且冰又太薄.
