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livetorise 你会发现那并不是你


live to rise活起来美国西雅图金属乐队 Soundgarden 超赞单曲《Live to Rise》,也是2012大片《复仇者联盟(The Avengers)》主题曲。

中英文歌词 What if all you understand,你洞悉一切又如何 Could fit into the center of our hand?能把控着命运吗? Then you found it wasn’t you。


Who held the sum of everything you knew,在左右着这世界 We’re insane but not alon李丹阳2021-04-01 18:57:56live to rise活起来美国西雅图金属乐队 Soundgarden 超赞单曲《Live to Rise》,也是2012大片《复仇者联盟(The Avengers)》主题曲。

中英文歌词 :What if all you understand,你洞悉一切又如何Could fit into the center of our hand?能把控着命运吗?Then you found it wasn’t you。


Who held the sum of everything you knew,在左右着这世界We’re insane but not alone,我们疯狂 但并不孤单You hold on and their gone,你顽强坚守 他们落荒而逃Like the sun we will live to rise,犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起Like the sun we will live and die,犹如骄阳 人生跌荡起伏and then ignite again。


Like the sun we will live to rise again!犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起!againWhat if the one thing that i missed,倘若我错过了某事Was everything I need to pass the test?难道就要历经所以磨难,经受所有考验?And if I fail what happens then,倘若我失败了Can I still count on you as a friend?我能否依然把你当做朋友?We’re insane but not alone,我们疯狂 但并不孤单You hold on and their gone,你顽强坚守 他们落荒而逃Like the sun we will live to rise,犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起Like the sun we will live and die,犹如骄阳 人生跌荡起伏and then ignite again。


Like the sun we will live to rise again!犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起!againWarm my face,warm your face 温暖我的脸 温暖你的脸Warm my face,warm your face 温暖我的脸 温暖你的脸Warm my face,warm your face 温暖我的脸 温暖你的脸Warm my face,warm your face 温暖我的脸 温暖你的脸Like the sun we will live to rise,犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起Like the sun we will live and die,犹如骄阳 人生跌荡起伏and then ignite again。


Like the sun we will live to rise,犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起Like the sun we will live and die,犹如骄阳 人生跌荡起伏and then ignite again。


Like the sun we will live to rise,犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起Like the sun we will live and die,犹如骄阳 人生跌荡起伏and then ignite again。


Like the sun we will live to rise,犹如骄阳 我们冉冉升起Like the sun we will live and die,犹如骄阳 人生跌荡起伏and then ignite again。


Again !Again !Again !邓一棣2021-04-03 16:18:45活在上升美国西雅图金属乐队 Soundgarden 超赞单曲《Live to Rise》,也是2012大片《复仇者联盟(The Avengers)》主题曲。

中英文歌词 What if all you understand,你洞悉一切又如何 Could fit into the center of our hand?能把控着命运吗? Then you found it wasn’t you。


Who held the sum of everything you knew,在左右着这世界 We’re insane but not alone…
