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实习医生格蕾第9季 MikkyEkko


第九季第1集所有插曲:The Mynabirds, "Body Of Work"Using an iPad, Meredith tells Cristina about her nickname. Owen is nearby. Meredith and Jackson sit and watch the interns...Miss Li , "My Heart Goes Boom Boom"Cristina watches Dr. Thomas' surery and talks on her iPad. Ben and Bailey make out. Dr. Barnett introduces himself to Alex.Tristan Prettyman, "My Oh My"Alex catches up with Callie. Meredith watches as Jo operates. Cristina and Dr. Thomas get gowned and gloved. Callie talks to Derek.Mikky Ekko, "Feels Like The End"A patient is removed from life support.Rilo Kiley, "Portions For Foxes"New interns catch up. They run into Bailey and Meredith.One Two , "Without You "Meredith spots Alex at the gate. Owen runs through the airport. Ben joins Bailey, Richard and Jackson. Derek and Callie sit by a patient's bed.Ingrid Michaelson, "Into You"April guides a pig into a pen. Callie moves from the couch to the bedroom. We see Arizona in bed. We see a video flashback of Arizona下载地址实习医生格蕾吧里右侧每季音乐列表里就有哈·
