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seasons &不及物动词vi


名词 n.1.季(节) The seasons change,independent of anyone's wishes.四季变化不受任何人约束.The spring-sowing season has set in.春耕季节到来了.2.时期; 活动期,季 When does the basketball season end?篮球赛季什么时候结束?3.(热带地区的)旱/雨季;(一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季 ;(一部戏剧在一地的)演出期,上演期;(一系列的戏剧、电影或电视节目的)会演,荟萃 ;(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期 及物动词 vt.1.使适应; 使适用 The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate.士兵们尚未能适应此种严寒的气候.2.调味,加作料 He likes to eat mutton which was seasoned with garlic.他喜欢吃用大蒜调味的羊肉.及物动词 vt.& 不及物动词 vi.1.(使)变干燥 Timber seasons quickly in the wind.木材在风里干得很快.The carpenter taught us how to season wood.这位木匠教我们怎样对木材进行干燥处理
