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butter是什么意思 名词butter


黄油耿彦峰2021-04-11 13:53:09butterKK: []DJ: []n.[U]1. 奶油2. 像奶油的食品;酱3. 【口】奉承话,甜言蜜语vt.1. 涂奶油于,以奶油调味Please butter my bread.请给我的面包涂上奶油。

2. 以花言巧语讨好[(+up)]张鑫仪2021-04-13 11:13:58butter:n. 奶油例句与用法:1. He spread butter on his bread.他在面包上涂黄油。

2. He was a shrewd businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。

3. I've seen you buttering up the boss!我看见你巴结老板来著!4. Shall I use oil or butter for frying the onions?我用普通油还是黄油来炒洋葱呢?5. Would you like some more bread and butter?再来一点黄油面包好吗?6. We spread butter on bread.我们把奶油涂到面包上。

7. My mother asked me to cream the butter and sugar together.妈妈让我把黄油和糖搅成奶油状。

8. She cooks omelets in butter as they do in France.她用奶油做法国式的蛋卷。

英英解释:名词butter:1. an edible emulsion of fat globules made by churning milk or cream; for cooking and table use2. a fighter who strikes the opponent with his head动词butter:1. spread butter on邓锡霜2021-04-15 13:01:41黄油,奶油,巴结,奉承的话最完整的翻译在这里廖湛娟2021-04-15 02:52:001. 奶油、黄油、港澳叫\'牛油\"。

2. 像奶油的食品,酱。

3. 【口】奉承话,甜言蜜语。

vt.1. 涂奶油於,以奶油调味(Please butter my bread.请给我的面包涂上奶油。

)2. 以花言巧语讨好[(+up)]凤灵珊妹2021-04-17 04:47:53黄油吃面包时加的
