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southchina 中国南海例句1


肯定是华南,我们学过的,顺便告诉你,East China是华东的意思堵爱景2021-03-29 23:46:26the South China Sea南海南中国海;南海;中国南海例句1. The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle onthe other.这条路依傍海岸绵延数百英里,一边是南中国海,另一边则是丛林。

来自柯林斯例句2. What other nationality is chugging around in the South China Sea?还有哪国船只在南中国海突突突地开来开去?来自辞典例句3. The factory located in the Pearl Island machining center - the South China Sea.本厂位于珠三角洲的机械加工中心 —— 南海.王小彤2021-03-31 21:07:15South China: 华南中国南部应该是:the south of China, 或southern China我是当翻译的,这些小问题很注重。

程光辉2021-04-02 22:54:58South China--------------中国南方地区齐光媚2021-04-02 12:45:17华南中国南方应该是:southern China姜富霞2021-04-04 14:41:10中国南方?应该是SOUTHERN吧~等风来2021-04-06 23:39:07中国南部
