towords 你要留心领受训诲
to words,造句:1、It has a lot of words that are similar to words in Spanish.它有很多词同西班牙语相似。
2、Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.你要留心领受训诲,侧耳听从知识的言语。
3、Often by the time they do accept the truth they are past being able to put words to feelings.往往等他们真正接受事实时,他们已无法用语言形容自己的感情了。
叠影怪怪2021-06-22 18:40:53短语1.Month fly towords fire自取死亡2.street view towords library从街道看图书馆3.Crystal Reports ToWords DLL文件描述4.Poetic feelings towords BeiYe Abbey别业寺观情5.PHOENIX SINGING TOWORDS THE SUN凤鸣朝阳
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