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都铎王朝亨利八世 Irecommendthis


By Bill Harris(an American historian):" But that monster of later years, that conceited man who would not brook contradiction,no. But. Fascinating, yes."As for the words of his majesty,I recommend this:" I am the king of England !!"Personally, I must say that made by Americans does not reveal the precise character of king Henry the eighth,for American is American,they know nothing but sex and flesh.King Henry is the mightiest king in England ,he change England forever.From his time ,EnglandIs no longer the humble servant of the Pope, but a brand new realm of vigor and power.On the one hand, his piggy eyes and small lip shows his meanness and cruelty ,and all those deaths.Yet on the other hand, his pride and dignity made England invincible and honourable.Well, I fancy my words may somewhat help you . Are you a student from English Department or History Department? Bless you.God save the king!
