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李华不写信了 它们是要提前预习的





1 ,于老师见面时有最起码的礼节2,学科不能偏科3要注意安排合理的活动运动时间,不要让自己老是闷在教室里学习。要劳逸结合。 4要以平常心去对待。


Dear teacherWhen I heared the news that you had been admitted to famous university,I was quite happily .Congratulate with you very much.The life in the university is greatly different from ours in the middle school ,I believe .First ,on the living type ,its leisure and freedom in the university ,which is not like tight and constraint in the middle school at all .Second ,on the studying ,in the university ,there is no long forced to learn by teacher ,no longer so many lectures to have to learn .You are learning by self-conscious and also can select you favorite lectures.As long as you make use of your time and be studious to do every wonderful things .I believe your life in the university will be very colourful.Yours sincerely


Dear XXGood day! I have came to your apartment,but you are not in.Here not a urgently thing for you.but just want to know how do u think of the Opera Show last night?Do hope you enjoyed it very much. And the book you bought for me by Internet have some problems with some words in it not very clear to read,and some of the pages are not stable with the whole volume,do hope you can change it for me,and book here by for you. Lastly,kindly remember that there have English Corner in this weekend,we are happy to see you during the corner.and we will have some special program for you,but now keep it as a secret. Yours, Li Hua自己写的哦 楼主满意的话 五星采纳哦!
asked last night opera performance impression. informed of his quality problems, to book your online shopping needs to be swapped. to remind him to attend english corner
