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grade什么意思 (颜色等)渐次变化


n.等级,级别;成绩;年级 vt.分等;评分grade 1/ gre?d; ɡred/ nstep, stage or degree of rank, quality, etc; level of classification (官阶、 质量等的)等级, 品级; 阶段; 程度: a person's salary grade, ie level of pay 某人的薪金级别 * [attrib 作定语] high/low-grade civil servants, milk, pigs, materials 等级高[低]的公务员、 奶品、 猪、 材料 * Grade A potatoes are the best in quality. 甲等马铃薯是质量最好的.(a) mark given in an examination or for school work (考试或作业的)分数, 评分等级: Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满90分的学生评为甲等. * She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异. (b) level of (esp musical) skill at which a pupil is tested (学生受测试的)技巧水平(尤指音乐方面): He's got Violin Grade 6, ie has passed a test at that level of skill. 他的小提琴6级考试及格了.(US) division of a school based on the age of the pupils; pupils in such a division 年级; (按年级划分的)小学生: My son's in the third grade. 我儿子上小学三年级.(US) = gradient.(idm 习语) make the `grade (infml 口) reach the required or expected standard; succeed 达到要求的或预期的标准; 成功. on the `up/`down grade getting better/worse 逐渐好转[恶化]: Business is on the up grade. 生意日渐兴隆.# `grade crossing (US) = level crossing (level1).`grade school (US) = primary school (primary).`grade teacher (US) teacher in a grade school 小学教师. grade 2/ gre?d; ɡred/ v[esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n] ~ sth/sb by/according to sth; ~ sth/sb from sth to sth arrange sth/sb in order by grades or classes, ie assessed and marked with the standard or grade obtained 将某事物[某人]按级分类或分等: The potatoes are graded by/according to size. 马铃薯按大小分等级. * Eggs are graded from small to extra-large. 鸡蛋从小的到特大的分成了等级.[Tn, Cn.n] (esp US) mark (written work); give (a student) a mark 给(书面作业)评分; 给(学生)分数: The term papers have been graded. 期末考卷已评完分数了. * A student who gets 90% is graded A. 凡得90分的学生列为甲等.[Tn] make (land, esp for roads) more nearly level by reducing the slope (用削减斜度的办法)使(地面, 尤指路面)接近水平.万承平2021-04-10 06:16:19. 等级;级别;阶段;分数;成绩;年级These are second-grade grapes.这些是次级葡萄。

2. 【美】(中,小学的)年级;(某年级的)全体学生The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall.这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。

3. 【美】成绩,评分He received a failing grade on the term paper.他的学期研究报告不及格。

4. 【美】小学[the P]5. 【美】坡度;斜坡vt.1. 将...分等级;将...分类The pearls are carefully graded.这些珍珠的等级分得很细。

2. 【美】给...评分The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's papers.那位教师花了整个周末给孩子们的试卷打分数。

3. 把(路面等)筑平vi.1. 分等级;属于某等级2. (颜色等)渐次变化,渐次调和[(+into)]Red and yellow grade into orange.红与黄混合成橘黄。

朱奕飞2021-04-12 03:37:08grade [^reid]1. 等级;级别;阶段;分数;成绩;年级These are second-grade grapes.这些是次级葡萄。

2. 【美】(中,小学的)年级;(某年级的)全体学生The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall.这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。

3. 【美】成绩,评分He received a failing grade on the term paper.他的学期研究报告不及格。

4. 【美】小学[the P]5. 【美】坡度;斜坡vt.1. 将...分等级;将...分类The pearls are carefully graded.这些珍珠的等级分得很细。

2. 【美】给...评分The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's papers.那位教师花了整个周末给孩子们的试卷打分数。

3. 把(路面等)筑平vi.1. 分等级;属于某等级2. (颜色等)渐次变化,渐次调和[(+into)]Red and yellow grade into orange.红与黄混合成橘黄。

蚁辰龙2021-04-14 05:24:51年级邓红雷2021-04-13 19:15:10n. 年级,等级,阶段v. 分级,记成绩梁馨月2021-04-15 21:11:03年级
