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horse的音标 这些马都挤在一起


horse的详细释义n. 马vt. 骑马adj. 马的horse的英英释义solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric timesa padded gymnastic apparatus on legstroops trained to fight on horseback;"500 horse led the attack"a framework for holding wood that is being saweda chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)provide with a horse or horseshorse, steed的词义辨析相同之处:horse, steed都表示“马”的意思。

不同之处:horse是马的总称,特指未阉过的成年公马; steed指战马,常用于文学作品中。

horse的词汇搭配work for a dead horse 从事不可能再得到报酬的工作dark horse 黑马,竞争中出乎意料的获胜者put the cart before the horse 本末倒置fall off one"s horse 从马上跌下jump from a horse 从马上跳下来break a horse 驯马change horses 换马,换班子eat like a horse 吃得很多on one"s high horse 趾高气扬,耀武扬威gift horse 作为礼物的马play horse 做骑马游戏,赌赛马tie a horse to a gate 把马拴在门上horse的双语例句1、These horses remained together for most of the race.在比赛大部分过程中,这些马都挤在一起。

2、The horses were feeding quietly in the field.马群在田野里静悄悄地吃着东西。

3、The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、狗和马。

4、Don"t make your horse go so fast on this rough ground, you"re riding for a fall.别让马跑那么快,路面这么不平坦,你这是在冒险。

5、We stopped to rest the horses.我们停下来让马休息一下。
