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provence什么意思 接着我见到了它


Provence释义:n. 普罗旺斯(法国东南部一地区)双语例句:Then I see it. It is surrounded by fields, rape or wheat or vines in the Palatinate,lavender in Provence.接着我见到了它,被田野包围着,周围是普法尔茨领地的油菜,小麦,葡萄园,还有普罗旺斯的薰衣草。

Although Paris is the usual destination for travelers in France, you would be making a good choice by heading down south to Provence.虽然旅客前往法国的目的地通常是巴黎,但如果南下到普罗旺斯也是个不错的选择。

The Sultans of Bling Based in Provence, this north African "family firm" is believedresponsible for the theft of tens of millions worth of gems from stores acrossEurope.该组织基地设在普罗旺斯,有人认为这个北非“家族公司”在整个欧洲的各个珠宝店里共盗窃了价值几千万的珠宝。

张云翼2021-03-20 06:32:47n. 普罗旺斯(法国东南部一地区)不会是province吧?李忻妍2021-03-22 03:53:36名词 n.1.普罗旺斯(法国东南部一地区)你可以查英汉大词典,里面很全的,或者网上下载个软件版的英汉词典,在或者百度,不用提什么问题吧?张煦泽2021-03-24 05:41:19普罗旺斯(法国东南部一地区)韩存兵2021-03-23 19:31:38会议
