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shoulder是什么意思 Frequently


shoulder[英][????ld?(r)][美][??o?ld?(r)]n.肩膀; (衣服的)肩部; 山肩; 路肩;vt.担负,承担; 肩起,挑起; 用肩顶…;第三人称单数:shoulders过去分词:shouldered复数:shoulders现在进行时:shouldering过去式:shouldered例句:1.Typing when you have a phone receiver anchored between your ear and shoulder is another bad idea.接电话时把听筒夹在耳朵和肩膀之间做记录也是一个不好的习惯。

2.They are not yet ready to shoulder the burden.它们还没有做好承担这种责任的准备。

3.Frequently, ms. clarke placed a hand on mr. loughner's left shoulder to appear to steady or comfort him.克拉克多次将手放在拉夫纳的左肩上,似乎想稳定他的情绪或是安慰他。

4.If you're wearing a jacket, this is also a good time to slip it off and fling it casually over your shoulder.如果你穿着一件夹克,这也是一个很好的将它脱下来挂在身后展示的时机。
