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audio什么意思 thepitch


audio 的发音:audio 的英式发音是[???di??],美式发音是 [???dio?]。

audio 的英语解释:the sound elements of television;a recording of acoustic signals;an audible acoustic wave frequency;the audible part of a transmitted signal;audio 的短语搭配:audio amplifier 声频放大器,音频放大器;audio frequency 可听声频率,音频,成声频率;audio system 声频方式,音频系统,放声系统;audio 的英文例句及翻译:1. Video can be broadcast and audio broadcast simultaneously!可以实现视频的播放,以及音频的同步播放!2. Also allow capturing of application user interface activity as video with audio.此外,允许把应用程序用户界面的活动捕获成带有音频的视频。

3. Develop the video or audio codec engine ( lib) to realize the multimedia SOC solution.开发视频或音频的编解码引擎,实现多媒体SOC的解决方案。

4. There will be an audio conference call at noon ET for analysts and the press.中午将有一次音频的电话会议分析家和新闻的东部时间。

5. A device that converts analogue video and audio signals into digital for transmission over telecommunications facilities and also converts received signals back into analogue format.一种将视频和音频的模拟信号转换为数字信号进行传输,并将收到的数字信号转换回模拟信号的仪器。

6. Any Time lets you independently take control of the time, the pitch, and the sample rate of an audio recording.任何时间独立地让你控制时间,沥青,和一个听觉的记录的样品率。

7. The said TV advertising here mean modern video and audio advertisements broadcast by TV stations by comprehensively applying such artistic expression methods as character, image, color, sound and activity with TV sets as the advertising media and audience as object.我们这里所谓的电视广告,是以电视作为广告媒介,以观众为对象,综合运用文字、图像、色彩、声音和活动等艺术表现手法,通过电视台播送的、兼有视、听觉的现代化广告。
