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The Joneses (2009/II) (filming) .... JennThe Stepfather (2009) (post-production) .... KellyThe River Why (2009) (post-production) .... EddyZombieland 僵尸之地(2009) .... 406Ex-Terminators (2009) (post-production) .... Nikki线人The Informers (2008) .... Christie菠萝快车Pineapple Express (2008) .... Angie Anderson永不退缩Never Back Down (2008) .... Baja Miller加州靡情"Californication" .... Amber (1 episode, 2007)棕榈泉疑云"Hidden Palms" .... Greta Matthews (8 episodes, 2007)The Beautiful Ordinary (2007) .... LucyDay 73 with Sarah (2007) .... MaryYou Are Here (2007) .... Amber爱你至死不渝All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) .... Mandy Lane犯罪心理"Criminal Minds" .... Lila Archer (1 episode, 2006)阿尔法狗Alpha Dog (2006) .... AlmaThe Prince (2006) (TV) .... SerenaPrice to Pay (2006) .... Trish北方风云North Country (2005) .... Young Josey去死吧!性感Drop Dead Sexy (2005) .... Candy橘子郡男孩"The O.C." .... Salesgirl (1 episode, 2005)SideFX (2005) .... Shay"The Mountain" .... Riley (1 episode, 2004)Friday Night Lights (2004) .... Maria"Jack & Bobby" .... Liz (1 episode, 2004)王勤锐2021-04-08 06:53:24这里可以下载中英对照台词:解压后是srt或ssa文件,用记事本打开,就是台词了。
