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中翻英 EC96andNO


Date:(日期)Add:(地址)Dear Sir,I am glad that I met you in the Shanghai Exhibition.After reading your product catalogue carefully, I am interested in the quoted prices for Item No.EC96 and EP98 (I got a sample of EC98 from you when we met at the Exhibition).Please give me an official offer about them referring to the following:1.the minimum quantity of an order;2.the mode of payment;3.package size;4.prices (delivered to Shanghai).Waiting for you response!Best regardsSincerely yous,(您的姓名)(您的公司名称,所在部门,你的职务)箕晓萌2021-04-10 10:28:37Very pleased at the Shanghai exhibition to meet with you in your carefully viewed the catalog, I wish to note that the number EC96 for the EP98 and offer products (which EC98 in the exhibition at the scene to negotiate when you have given me a sample), Please refer to the following request a formal reply to offer1, from the smallest number of laid2, payment method3, packaging specifications4, Price (Shanghai, the place of delivery)Look forward to your reply.锁运诚2021-04-12 07:49:26I am so glad to meet you in the Shanghai exhibition! Upon review of your catalog, we are intrested in two products(EC96 & EP98), I have already got one sample EP98 during the exhibition. Please send me the quotation as per below:1. MOQ ( Minimum Order Quantity)2. Payment term3. packaging4. quotation(FOB Shanghai)Look forward to your prompt reply.雷俊琦2021-04-14 09:37:09It's a great pleasure to meet you at the Shanghai Exhibition. After looking through your catelogue, I am very interested in your product NO.EC96 and NO. EP98 and could you give me a quotation about these two products.(You have given a sample of EC98 on the exhibition.).Please give me a formal quotation which will include:1.MOQ2.Payment of terms3.Packing information4.Quotation(Place of delivery:Shanghai)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.松爱青2021-04-13 23:27:28I was pleasure to meet you at last exhibition in Shanghai. Looked through your product list, I am interesting in the price of EC96 and EP98(I had ever received a simple of EC98 in the exhibition). Could you provide me a formal quotation in the following way?1. The amount at least.2. The type of payment.3. The packing size.4. Price(freight to Shanghai)I will look forward your answer.Best regard.方卓佳2021-04-16 01:23:21看来我们是同行,呵呵。

