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uppercase 大写字母例句1


upper case letterun.大写字母例句1.Start with an Upper Case Letter.以大写字母开始。

2.a character having the form of an upper-case letter but the same height as lower-case letters.大写字母的形状,小写字母的高度的字符。

3.Write a function that determines if a string starts with an upper - case letter A- Z .写一个函数,判断一个字符串首字母是否以大写字母A-Z开头。

4.The first character should be an upper case letter, as Palm OS uses an initial lower-case letter for its system files.它的第一个字符应该大写,原因是PalmOS中系统文件的第一个字母使用小写。

5.Many can display only standard upper and lower case letter, numbers and punctuation marks on the screen.多数显示器只能显示标准的大小写字母、数字和标点符号。

韦林琪2021-03-18 05:41:03大写英文字母,如ABCDXYZ..来济深2021-03-20 03:01:52upper case letter = 大写字母
