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上层精灵的挽歌歌词 Thesun


(萨拉斯语)Anar'alah~ Anar'alah~ belore~Sin'dorei~ei~ei~Shindu~ fallah na~ Sin'dorei~ rei~Anar'alah~ah~ Shindu~ Sin'dorei~ Shindu~ fallah na~Sin'dorei~Anar'alah belore~ (bel~lore~ bel~)(Anar~ alah~ belore~ Sin'do~)Shindu~ Sin'dorei~ Shindu~ fallah na~Sin'dorei~Anar'alah belore~ belore~(英语)By the light, by the light of the sun.Children of the Blood.Our enemies are breaking through.Children of the Blood.By the Light.Failing Children of the Blood.They are breaking through.Children of the Blood.By the Light of the sun.Failing Children of the Blood.They are breaking through.Children of the Blood.By the light of the sun.The sun.(中文)以光之名,以日光之名辛多雷敌人就要突破防线了辛多雷以光之名辛多雷倒下了他们就要突破防线了辛多雷以日光之名辛多雷倒下了他们就要突破防线了辛多雷以日光之名太阳(辛多雷为血之子的意思,即血精灵)陆晓2021-03-20 20:21:28这首歌曲,严格的来说是没有歌词的
