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歌曲:《my heart will go on》作曲:詹姆斯·霍纳作词:韦尔·杰宁斯演唱:席琳·迪翁歌词:Every night in my dreams在我的每一个梦中I see you我都能看dao到你I feel you我都能感受到你That is how I know you go on我便确定了,你在永恒不变的跟随着我Far across the distance跨越距离And spaces between us.无论生死You have come to show you go on你悄悄的来找我,证明你的灵魂永存Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信,我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,你再一次you open the door,悄悄打开了我的房门And you're here in my heart.你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永存Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现And last for a lifetime但这份爱情也伴我终身And never let go till we're gone,这份爱情不会湮于岁月,只要我还活着Love was when I loved you当我与你心心相依时,才感受到了爱情One true time I hold to.那是真实又纯真的爱情In my life we'll always go on.只要我还在世,你我就会并肩前行,青史留名Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,再一次吧you open the door,再悄悄的打开我的房门And you've been in my heart,你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去You're here,只要你伴随着我You're here,只要你伴随着我there's nothing I fear.我便会勇敢起来,不惧任何事物And I know that my heart will go on我也知道,我的心必将永恒we'll stay forever this way.你也会一直一直的伴随在我的身边You are safe in my heart,最安全的地方也比不上我的心里and my heart will go on and on因为你会和我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去孙荷紫2022-03-29 07:58:00歌曲:《my heart will go on》作曲:詹姆斯·霍纳作词:韦尔·杰宁斯演唱:席琳·迪翁歌词:Every night in my dreams在我的每一个梦中I see you我都能看到你I feel you我都能感受到你That is how I know you go on我便确定了,你在永恒不变的跟随着我Far across the distance跨越距离And spaces between us.无论生死You have come to show you go on你悄悄的来找我,证明你的灵魂永存Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信,我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,你再一次you open the door,悄悄打开了我的房门And you're here in my heart.你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永存Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现Love can touch us one time.也许我们的爱情,只是昙花一现And last for a lifetime但这份爱情也伴我终身And never let go till we're gone,这份爱情不会湮于岁月,只要我还活着Love was when I loved you当我与你心心相依时,才感受到了爱情One true time I hold to.那是真实又纯真的爱情In my life we'll always go on.只要我还在世,你我就会并肩前行,青史留名Near far,或远或近wherever you are无论你身在何方I believe that the heart does go on我都相信我们的心是亘古不变的Once more,再一次吧you open the door,再悄悄的打开我的房门And you've been in my heart,你已被深深的刻在了我的心里And my heart will go on and on便会随着我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去You're here,只要你伴随着我You're here,只要你伴随着我there's nothing I fear.我便会勇敢起来,不惧任何事物And I know that my heart will go on我也知道,我的心必将永恒we'll stay forever this way.你也会一直一直的伴随在我的身边You are safe in my heart,最安全的地方也比不上我的心里and my heart will go on and on因为你会和我的心一起,在这世界上永远的活下去
