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thicker 该尺寸的特定数量单位


thick的比较级形式thick[Wik]adj.厚的, 粗的, 稠的, 浓的n.最拥挤部份, 活动最多部份, 事物的粗大浓密部份thickthickAHD:[th1k]D.J.[Gik]K.K.[G!k]adj.(形容词)thick.er, thick.estRelatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite, usually in the smallest solid dimension; not thin:厚的:从一面到相对面尺寸相对大的,常指立方体中最小的尺寸;不薄的:a thick board.一块厚木板Measuring a specified number of units in this dimension:厚:该尺寸的特定数量单位:two inches thick.两英寸厚Heavy in form, build, or stature; thickset:粗的:形状、结构或身材粗壮的;结实的:a thick neck.粗脖子Having component parts in a close, crowded state or arrangement; dense:密集的:各种组成部分处于一个闭合的拥挤状态或排列的;稠的:a thick forest.密密的丛林Having or suggesting a heavy or viscous consistency:稠的:浓度大或粘稠的,或看起来好像浓度大或粘稠的:thick tomato sauce.稠番茄汁Having a great number; abounding:充满的:数量较大的;丰富的:a room thick with flies.充满苍蝇的屋子Impenetrable by the eyes:深厚的:肉眼看不透的:a thick fog.浓雾Not easy to hear or understand; indistinctly articulated:含糊不清的:不易听到或理解;表达不清楚的:the thick speech of a drunkard.一个醉鬼的含糊不清的说话Producing indistinctly articulated sounds:含混的:产生不清楚表达的声音的:the thick tongues of barbarians.野人含混不清的口音Noticeably affecting sound; conspicuous:显眼的,引人注目的:影响显著的声音;显而易见的:a thick brogue.显著的土话Informal Lacking mental agility; stupid.【非正式用语】 愚钝的:智力上缺乏灵活性的;愚笨的Informal Very friendly; intimate:【非正式用语】 很友好的;亲密的:thick friends.亲密的朋友Informal Going beyond what is tolerable; excessive.【非正式用语】 过份的:超过能忍受范围的;过分的adv.(副词)In a thick manner; deeply or heavily:厚重:以一种厚的方式;深地或沉重地:Seashells lay thick on the beach.海贝厚厚地铺在海滩上In a close, compact state or arrangement; densely:密集地:处于闭合且紧密的状态或排列;稠密地:Dozens of braids hung thick from the back of her head.她脑后密密梳了很多的辫子So as to be thick; thickly:厚地:使厚;厚地:Slice the bread thick for the best French toast.把面包切厚些以便做出最好的法式烤面包n.(名词)The thickest part.最厚的部分The most active or intense part:最活跃或最激烈的部分:in the thick of the fighting.战斗最激烈的地方林烨桐2021-03-20 05:33:27票类统称车票 bus ticket机票 air ticket电影票 movie ticket韩英睿2021-03-22 02:54:16更加浓厚
